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Membership Application Acknowledgement

Thank you for your membership application. Here are the details of your application:

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Please resubmit your application



Membership Type:



Membership Fee


Patron Donation   £

Thank you!

Celebrity Concert ticket             £ 15

Young Winners Concert ticket   £ 7

Donation to Dr Turnbull Fund    £

Thank you!

Total Remittance:        £


Seating preference

You are a taxpayer and MMS can claim gift aid

You would like MMS to send you marketing emails

Please now send us your remittance.  You can either:

1. Send a cheque payable to Maidenhead Music Society to 

MMS, Bear Place Farm, Blakes Lane, Hare Hatch, Reading RG10 9TA, or

2. Pay by bank transfer: account 07283898, sort code 30-95-36, with reference "MMS + [your name]".

There is no need to send us a stamped addressed envelope.

When we have received your remittance we will send you an acknowledgement by email. We will send you a membership card, and if you have ordered a season ticket,  your tickets for the first three concerts, by post.  Tickets for the concerts in 2020, including the Young Winners and Celebrity Concerts, will be available later.


We hope you will enjoy the season of concerts.


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